To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

The Trinity

1. We bless the triune God –
The Father and the Word,
And Holy Ghost;
God, who must ever be
The mighty One-in-Three;
To all eternity
The Lord of Hosts.


2. Holy, immortal Three,
One God eternally,
Teach us to praise;
Mysterious Three-in-One,
To us thy grace make known,
And lead us safely on
In thy own ways.


3. While we in Meshech dwell,
May we thy wonders tell,
Nor yield to fear.
Though men and devils rage,
And all their powers engage,
Zion, from age to age,
Is thy own care.


4. We bless the Father’s name,
Whose love is still the same;
We also praise
The Spirit and the Word;
Be this one God adored,
In solemn, sweet accord,
To endless days.




But one thing is needful

Luke 10 v 42

Mr Samuel Kingham