To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

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It is a “great idea” to allow the morning-after pill to be handed out in schools, a leading GP in England has said.
But there is concern that such a move would seriously undermine parents.
Dr Anne Connolly’s comments came after a group of NHS experts in Scotland called for the Holyrood Government to allow the move.


Norman Wells, Director of the Family Education Trust, said: “Schemes like this are giving girls as young as 13 a licence to engage in illegal sexual activity and denying them the protection of the law that the age of consent is intended to give.

“Health workers who provide under-age girls with contraception without the knowledge of their parents are seriously undermining the role of those parents.”

And Conservative MP Philip Davies said if teenagers were given morning-after pills or contraceptive injections by school nurses, their parents should be told.

Public Meeting – Worthing February 2013 Videos

Speaker: Rev. Patrick Baker _ for South Grove Free Presbyterian Church Walthamstow, London

WHAT TIME IS ITS? Note: Unfortunately the first few minutes of this video are missing.

Romans 13:11


Speaker: Michael Hobbis _ National coordinator for Christian Watch

Our work in 2012 and prayerful plans for 2013


Rights and Righteousness

Some may have noticed that where ‘gay marriage’ has already been made legal e.g. Spain, there has been a great deal of confusion and even chaos in their legal system, as many old acts and statutes passed by their parliament and going back many centuries, stand as an obstacle to ‘gay marriage’,
There are numerous stumbling blocks relating to marriage and rights of inheritance, and referring to ‘one woman and one man’ specified in these Spanish laws which were passed at the time with no such impediment in mind and now these must be removed or amended, since they stand in contradiction to the new wickedness now agreed to by their parliament . Each law altered is a sting to conscience…………….

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“If that nation I warned repents of its evil—then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned” (Jer. 18:8). There is no “if” in connection with what God has foreordained, and the history of nations has been as truly and definitely predestinated, as the destiny of each individual. “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world” (Acts 15:18), and they are known to Him because they were decreed by Him. Now if God decreed an event He either foresaw what would be the outcome of it—or He did not. If He did not, where is His infinite wisdom and understanding? On the other hand, if He foresaw an event would not be—why did He purpose it should be? If God purposed a thing, then either He is able to bring it to pass by His wisdom and power—or He is not. If not, where is His omniscience and omnipotence? From the horns of that dilemma there is no escape. If God be God then there can be no failure with Him “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations” (Psalm 33:11)……..

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But one thing is needful

Luke 10 v 42

Mr Samuel Kingham