To uphold the Protestant Reformed Faith upon which our
National Constitution was established.

And the Lord shut him in

1. When Noah, with his favoured few,
Was ordered to embark,
Eight human souls, a little crew,
Entered on board his ark.


2. Though every part he might secure
With bar, or bolt, or pin,
To make the preservation sure,
Jehovah shut him in.


3. The waters then might swell their tides,
The billows rage and roar,
They could not stave the assaulted sides,
Nor burst the battered door.


4. So souls that into Christ believe,
Quickened by vital faith,
Eternal life at once receive,
And never shall see death.


5. In his own heart the Christian puts
No trust; but builds his hopes
On him that opes, and no man shuts;
And shuts, and no man opes.


6. In Christ, his Ark, he safely rides,
Not wrecked by death or sin.
How is it he so safe abides?
The Lord has shut him in.




But one thing is needful

Luke 10 v 42

Mr Samuel Kingham